The Bitter Truths About Working As A Freelancer


Freelancing Can Be Enticing For Many People. Why? Because they have only seen the one side of the coin, and the bright, lucrative side sounds like a going rag to riches in a few months.

You must have seen payment screenshots from some freelancers. Who wouldn’t get attracted by all these bright indications? But, Wait! Before you decide to start working as a FREELANCER too.

Watch this video till the end or read this article because I will talk about the other side of the coin.

The side you are unaware of, not everyone talks about it, and you only get to see this dark hidden side of freelancing when it’s too late to press that reset button.

So let’s get started!

We all have this pre-fitted or painted picture in our head when someone mentions the word freelancer. That it’s a person working how he wants, when he wants, how much he wants, and makes thousands of dollars every month.

But did you ever think about how this whole picture got painted, and who are the people behind it?

If you think about it, you will figure out that it’s painted by the freelancers sitting on the top floor, making thousands every month. And by the way, to reach the top floor, there’s no lift, you have to take the stairs just like they did.

Now, does it sound easy?

There are no freelancers who start racking money in their early days. So stop imagining yourself in the painted picture.

You need to earn it!

The Social Isolation

Freelancers are often associated with working from home and being their boss. While this may be true, freelancers can also find themselves feeling socially isolated. This is because their work nature often means they have to work from home most of the time, meaning less time for friends and no social circle.

The Long Working Hours

While the rest of the world is enjoying their weekend, freelancers work hard to meet their deadlines. Freelancers often work long hours, non-stop, to be productive and efficient. This can be a challenge, but it also makes freelancing so rewarding.

Freelancers understand that to be successful; they need to be able to manage their time well and work hard. They know that there is no such thing as a 9-5 job when you're your own boss, so they put in the extra effort to get the job done.

There's No Structure In The Job

Freelancers have no set structure when it comes to the projects they take on. It varies drastically from client to client, which can be both a good and bad thing. On one hand, freelancers need to be able to work by adjusting to the client's needs; on the other hand, this can lead to inconsistency in their own work.

Often, freelancers have to adapt, change according to the project, which can be difficult if they're not used to working that way. This lack of structure also means that freelancers are often responsible for their own administrative tasks, such as invoicing and tracking hours.

Find Your Own Client

When you're a freelancer, finding work is your responsibility, and you need to hustle and get clients on your own. It can be challenging, but it's also gratifying when you land a great client who appreciates your work.

The Negotiation Battle With The Client (You Need To Win Here)

To get the best deal as a freelancer, it's essential to negotiate with clients on every project. Often, freelancers will agree to a lower rate than they deserve in order to secure the project. (Totally wrong thing to do!) However, by negotiating each project, you can ensure that you're getting the best rate for your time and skills.

Low Paying Clients

As a freelancer, you are bound to work for a low-paying client, which is part of the learning curve. Every freelancer goes through this and learns how to put the correct price tag to the value they bring to the table. But you can escape from this in your starting days as a freelancer.

Freelancers Are Responsible For Everything

Freelancers are responsible for every aspect of their work, invoicing, negotiation, support, revisions, meetings, and many more. This can be daunting, but it also means that freelancers have more control over their work. Over a period, you get used to this, but in your starting days, it's hard.

Staying Productive & Inspired

It can be challenging to stay motivated, productive, and inspired to do the work always when you're a freelancer. You don't have the structure or support of a traditional workplace, and you're constantly competing against others freelancers.

There’s No Financial Security. You might make more this month; next month, you’re working for pennies.

Don’t bite on the hoax circulating on the net about how to be a six-figure freelancer in a few months. It’s possible, but it’s not for every individual.

If you are not ready to consistently do the hard and smart work, those methods are not for you.

If you want to climb the ladder of growth at your own pace and build strong bases, you need to work with your method that fits with your speed.

As a freelancer, your income is directly proportional to your skill, experience, hard work, and the number of clients.

There’s no shortcut or skip button here.

The route is similar for every freelancer. It’s just some learn to walk faster with hard work; some get’s lost in the struggles.

When you first start freelancing, it can be difficult to determine how to price your services. Do you charge by the hour? How much should you charge for a project? What if you get offered a job that’s lower than what you usually charge?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to these questions, but there are some things to keep in mind when pricing yourself and your services. First, consider your skills and experience. What are you worth based on your level of expertise? Also, take into account the current market rates for similar services.

Don’t be afraid to adjust your prices as needed; if you’re not getting enough jobs at your current rate, then it’s not the fault of your pricing, the fault lies in your marketing efforts.

Be careful not to undercut yourself or offer unrealistically low prices just to get work.

How are you going to add a price tag to your services?

It’s a challenging task even for experienced freelancers. Your prices need to be convincing and equivalent to the value you provide.

The fear of losing clients and low incomes affects your pricing strategies significantly if you are not marketing yourself right and positioning yourself correctly in the market.

Proving your authority and showing your credibility is the most effective way experienced freelancers justify their prices.

You can’t blatantly ask for $5000 for a single project if you don’t have ingredients to back that pricing up. It would help if you had the experience, credibility, and value to back up your prices.

When it comes to freelancing, standing out in the competition can be difficult. Especially if you are new to the field, or don’t have a lot of experience. However, there are ways that you can set yourself apart from other freelancers and make yourself more appealing to clients.

There are thousands of freelancers who provide the same service as you. So, what makes you different? How do you stand out in the competition?

Focus on figuring out what makes you different from those thousands. Position yourself in your market firmly and build your bases.

There’s no simple answer to this question. But there’s a truthful answer!

Which I am going to share with you.

I’ve become a six-figure freelancer by following the 4C method that I have thought of over the years by being in the trenches as a freelancer.

The 4C method is quite simple but requires a lot of effort to show its magic.

The 4C’s stands for Connection, Communication, Content, and Consistency.

As a freelancer, if you aim to be a six-figure freelancer, then you need to focus on the 4C. You need to keep building new connections and nurture those you already have.

Get better at the art of communication to convey your message with clarity. Create valuable, unique content that reflects your personality.

But the most crucial ingredient behind your success of becoming a six-figure freelance is being consistent with everything.

The competition is fierce, so you need to be more fierce to win.

I might have scared the hell out of you by revealing the other side of the freelancing coin.

But, hey, I am doing freelancing myself! And I have been doing it for years. So how did I survive all that, and How am I still dealing with all the above.

As I said, If you are ready to put in the work and confident about tackling all the things I have mentioned in this video.

Then here’s my invitation to jump on the wagon of freelancers.

Don’t forget! To succeed as a freelancer, you don’t need to be an expert; you need to start.

All the best!!

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